Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation
The Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation serves as the largest and strongest general farm organization in Mississippi, with more than 177,000 member families in 82 county Farm Bureaus. It is a voluntary, non-governmental, non-partisan organization seeking solutions to problems affecting the lives of farm families, both socially and economically.
Since its inception in 1922, the purpose of MFBF has been to provide a unified voice for Mississippi agriculture in the legislative arena, promote farm markets and serve as a leader in the state’s agricultural community on local, state, national and international levels.
The Farm Bureau Foundation
The mission of this Foundation is to advance agriculture through investments in educating the next generation of farmers and ranchers, informing the public on the importance of agriculture, providing agricultural resources to those in need, and all other means of promoting agriculture as an integral part of society.
At the heart of our organization lies a profound belief in agriculture and the hardworking individuals who sustain it across out state. We recognize the necessity of transcending past achievements, extending our reach beyond our farms and communities to serve the thousands of Mississippians who need more–more knowledge, more food, more support.
Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers Scholarship Foundation
The Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Young Farmers & Ranchers Scholarship Foundation is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 1985 for the purpose of providing scholarships to college agriculture students. Through this foundation, Mississippi Farm Bureau's Young farmers & Ranchers program proudly awards more than $125,000 in scholarships each year to Mississippi students majoring in the field of agriculture. For almost 40 years, the impact of these scholarships has allowed countless students to further their education, while helping to improve the future of agriculture in Mississippi - an accomplishment which would not be possible without the support of our many generous donors and gracious supporters.
To learn more, visit our website at Home - Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation (msfb.org)